Please read these Terms carefully, as they constitute an agreement between you and Quipalup SL (Code Sherpas) regarding the use of this website.
Quipalup fosters a diverse community of creators and consumers. We have established guidelines governing the content created with MarkdownMagic and published by our users.
Content that violates these guidelines may be removed at our discretion. We reserve the right to disable accounts of users who breach our Terms and Conditions or these guidelines, and/or fail to rectify infringing activity upon notification.
Illegal activities are strictly prohibited, and we cooperate with law enforcement investigations into unlawful behavior.
We prohibit the use of any aspect of our products and services, including titles, descriptions, books, audiobooks, and documents, to defame, harass, or threaten others. Activities promoting hatred, bigotry, or harm toward individuals or groups are strictly forbidden. We reserve the right to identify and address abusive content and user activity.
We may take punitive measures, including account suspension, against users who egregiously violate our policies or repeatedly breach them after notification.
When registering an account on any of our Services, you agree not to:
- Target others for harassment or embarrassment with your account(s).
- Expose personal information about living individuals with your account(s).
- Use lewd, vulgar, or offensive profile names, descriptions, or photos.
- Engage in automated activities or operations.Mislead consumers of the content uploaded to your account(s).
- Create accounts to circumvent bans or suspensions.
- Duplicate accounts through manual or automated means.
- Publicly share account information.
- Impersonate living individuals or organizations.
- Falsely claim affiliation with any entity.
- Use the Services if you are under thirteen (13) years of age.
- Upload content if you are under eighteen (16) years of age.
- Use the Services for illegal purposes.
Customer Support via Email: Should you need assistance or have questions about our services, contacting our support team via email will involve processing your email address and any additional information you provide to ensure we can offer the help you need.
We impose restrictions on the content uploaded by our members. You agree not to upload content to the Services that:
- Is illegal or facilitates illegal activities.
- Violates applicable laws or regulations.
- Infringes intellectual property rights.
- Violates privacy rights or induces others to do so.
- Contains personal information about individuals under age 18.
- Solicits personal information for commercial or unlawful purposes.
- Exposes private communications without consent.
- Defames, harasses, or promotes hatred or harm toward others.
- Promotes terrorism, self-harm, or suicide.
- Deceives consumers or facilitates piracy.
- Includes unclear, misleading, or malicious links.
- Displays lurid or violent imagery.
- Contains pornographic or sexually explicit material.
- Is inaccurate or misrepresents information.Is obtained from another member's account.
- Is duplicative or substantially similar to other content uploaded by you.
We strictly prohibit content that enables academic cheating and plagiarism. Users are not permitted to use content from the Services for academic cheating or plagiarism. You agree not to upload content or use the Services in a manner that:
- Promotes cheating, plagiarism, or academic malfeasance.
- Provides or links to materials that offer answers to academic questions.
- Infringes the intellectual property rights of educational institutions or content providers.
- Guarantees grades or exam results.
- Violates academic codes of conduct or ethics.